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Baby Otter Co-Founders Receive Women of Wonder Award

local franchise opportunities

Well-known for its innovative Turn, Kick, Reach® program through which people from infants who have learned to crawl to adults of any age can learn to swim in five sessions, Baby Otter Swim School has delivered life-saving swimming instruction to Floridians for more than 40 years. The founders’ drive to save more lives in other states led them to offer local franchise opportunities through which others could own their own businesses while teaching people to swim using the school’s proprietary teaching methods. Recently, Baby Otter Swim School received recognition from Franchise Dictionary Magazine, which awarded the founders the Women of Wonder Award.

About Franchise Dictionary Magazine

Franchise Dictionary Magazine is written by experts in franchising who provide invaluable resources to franchisees as they open franchises and start their new business ventures. Each issue of the magazine is packed with information for prospective franchisees as they plan to begin their businesses. Industry experts and current franchise owners provide educational information about how to start a successful franchise business. Many resources are provided, including information about financing, legal information, business advice, marketing strategies, and more.

The magazine has a readership of 350,000 people who receive digital copies each month by email. Additionally, Franchise Dictionary Magazine is available in print form at franchise expos across the U.S. It is highly regarded in the franchising industry as a go-to resource for prospective and new franchisees because of the help and resources it provides.

Prestige of the Women of Wonder Award

Each year, Franchise Dictionary Magazine recognizes women who are making innovative and important contributions to the franchise industry. Marlene Bloom and Mindy York, the co-founders of Baby Otter Swim School, received the Women of Wonder Award in recognition of their incredible success in offering local franchise opportunities to prospective business owners who want to help prevent drowning through innovative instructional methods.

Following the near drowning of York’s 17 month old daughter, her and Bloom went on to found the Baby Otter Swim School and its Turn, Kick, Reach® program. The school has grown and has enjoyed strong success as the women strive to make Florida a zero-drowning state. Since deciding to offer local franchise opportunities, Marlene Bloom and Mindy York sold 14 franchise opportunities to new business owners in the first year, leading to the Women of Wonder Award and a write-up in Franchise Dictionary Magazine.

About Baby Otter Swim School

Baby Otter Swim School is state-certified, setting it apart from many swim schools. Founders Marlene Bloom and Mindy York teamed up after York’s daughter had a near-drowning experience, and Bloom taught her how to swim. Relying on Bloom’s experience and expertise as an educator and York’s knowledge as a businesswoman, the pair founded Baby Otter Swim School and developed its proprietary Turn, Kcik, Reach® program. This instructional method helps everyone from babies who have just started to crawl to adults learn what to do in the water and swim in as few as five sessions. The founders have long had a goal of preventing drowning through education and decided to offer local franchise opportunities to expand their drowning prevention efforts beyond Florida.

Contact Baby Otter Swim School

If you are interested in learning about local franchise opportunities with Baby Otter Swim School in your area, you should contact Baby Otter Swim School today. We can provide you with information on how to get started. For more information, call 1-888-SWIM-KID (794-6543).